Thank you for your interest in participating in our study.
The purpose of the research is to: understand how people consume information on Facebook. If you take part in the research, you will be asked to authenticate through your Facebook account to provide us with a list of public Facebook pages and groups you are a part of. You can select to remove groups and pages you do not want to contribute. Only the names of the groups/pages will be collected. No other personal information (such as posts or comments you made) will be collected. The study will take up to 5 minutes of your time and you will be compensated $3-$5 with an Amazon Gift Card, depending on the quality of the data you provided. Participation in this study is optional.
The study will help you understand how your information consumption is in comparison with other members of your community. Our dashboard will provide you an up-to-date visualization of what other content members of your community are consuming. Researchers and policy makers might benefit because information that you provide could benefit the larger public understanding of pressing information problems, and therefore impact future research on social media use from your community.
If you have questions, concerns or complaints about the research, and wish more information, you can contact the Principal Investigator: Dr. Kiran Garimella, Assistant Professor, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. Email: